Bluetooth LE Analyzer
Analyze your Bluetooth Low Energy devices
The best experience analyzing BLE devices in real time

Bluetooth LE Scanner
Display Bluetooth LE information in real time. Identify IOT devices and discover all those devices you didn't know had Bluetooth connectivity.
BLE beacon viewer
Get detailed information on Low Energy Bluetooth devices
BLE Packet Scanner
Get packet insights with the Bluetooth sniffer and explore its contents
Configurable dynamic charts
Configure graph display by filtering by time and bluetooth signal strength range (RSSI)
Keep track of your devices thanks to the inventory
PCAP support
Export or import captures to PCAP files and visualize them on Wireshark
Report Generator
Get detailed reports of all devices in HTML, CSV, or TXT
Advanced filter
Easy access to information thanks to the new filtering and data grouping system
Locate incoming device signals using GPS (Wardriving) and export the results to KML files (Google Earth)
Multi language
Available in English and Spanish. More languages will be added in the future
Are you ready to start?
Discover the IOT Bluetooth LE devices around you

IOT device security
Identifies potential problems of security or privacy by discovering and identifying devices that you do not know have Bluetooth capabilities.
Identify Bluetooth devices
Thanks to the information provided as the type, name of the device or manufacturer you can identify the Bluetooth Low energy devices around you.

Data visualization
Better analysis through dynamic and customizable graphs. RSSI (signal strength), signal distribution over time, approximate device distance, etc
Packet analyzer
Extract all information from a device and visualize the packets using BLE Sniffer with the packet dissector and hexadecimal view.

Signal strength
Signal level and signal distribution charts of Bluetooth devices
Free version
Free version compatible with Windows 10
Modern design
Simple, easy and intuitive interface. Light and dark theme available.

Better data representation thanks to the advanced filters and data grouping
Improved analysis experience thanks to data grouping and advanced filters that will show information better organized.
Device inventory
Keep track of the most important devices. With the inventory, you can always have them handy and export or import them as you need.

Detailed device panel
Track every device from the information panel and get detailed information in real-time: signal strength, device distance, etc

Version comparison
Identify performance problems and signal noise to improve Beacons deployment.
Are you ready to start?
Download Acrylic Bluetooth Low Energy for free and discover all BLE devices around you
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